How to Get Residence Permit

The Directorate General Immigration and Emigration issues two categories of residence permits: Temporary residence permit and Permanent residence permit

To apply for a permit click on the appropriate permit class on the right hand menu


* To the applicants applying for residence permit, grace period is 15 days upon arrival in the country. After that period, penalties will be applied immediately as stipulated by the law.

* Diploma, Police Clearance, Marriage certificate and Birth Certificate should be translated in English or French. Police Clearance should be original only.

* Immigration officers to certify a copy of other documents if the applicant is in possession of original documents.  

* EAC citizens do not pay for resident permit

* A work permit holder has the right to change employers during the period of validity of the work permit, but he/she is required to inform the office of the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration in writing. While renewing the permit, he/she is required to present a resignation letter or termination letter from the previous employer.

* Investors/Entrepreneurs before applying for residence permits, are advised to contact the Field Inspection and Law enforcement department of The Directorate General Immigration and Emigration, to arrange for a field visit. 

* The Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration may request the applicants to submit any other document when deems necessary for more information and clarification.

